Spring is a wonderful time to be in the mountains!
Spring is a wonderful time to be in the mountains!
The White Mountain region offers an abundance of waterfalls, many of which run all year long. Some are conveniently located beside the side of a road or a short distance from parking, others require a bit more effort but are well worth it.
With over 40 mountains over 4,000 feet tall, there is an abundance of hikes to gorgeous vistas. For those less interested in hiking long distances, there are many lovely views driving north on 16 through Pinkham Notch and Carter Notch. They are especially breathtaking in the fall. Another great drive is the Kankamangus with it's many turn offs and vistas.
There is a hike for just about anyone. From short and simple to the journey up Mt Washington or one of the 4,000 footers. Fortunately there are plenty of choices in the middle. Check in at one of the ranger stations or you may want to read up before you arrive.There are many books about hiking with or without children in the White Mountain area.
While there are a plethora of hikes in the Mount Washington Valley and beyond, don't forget to enjoy one of the many trails that leave from the Grand Victorian itself. There are options for short walks along the Ellis River to a stroll into town or a more strenuous climb to view the valley spread out before you.
Check out this great waterfall. Tallest waterfall in New Engalnd
cascade located Jackson, just a few miles away. There is parking next to cascade making it very accessible. Off Carter Notch Rd. https://nhtourguide.com/waterfalls/jackson_falls.htm
64 ft plunge. short walk from parking lot. Lots of steps to view from the bottom. Can be viewed from various vantage points along the way. http://4000footers.com/falls_glenellis.shtml
Short walk to falls. Well maintained. Towards Lincoln side of the Kankamangus Scenic Byway.
Short Walk to cascades. Watering hole. a few picnic tables. http://northconwaynh.com/dianas-baths/
Majestic Mt Washington is especially lovely in the fall and spring when it is the only snow covered mountain. There are several trails up including one that climbs the famous Tuckerman's Revine from Pinkham Notch. Other trails include Lion's Head and the Appalachian Trail from Crawford Notch.
Don't want to hike the tallest mountain in New England? You can also opt to drive or take a bus up the auto road or take the historic Cog Railway.
This popular spot offers adventure seekers the option of rock climbing the face or hiking the back to the top. For those less adventurous, there is also a paved road to the top. The road to the top is closed in the winter due to weather. The top offers great view of the valley.
Many different hikes to choose from. This scenic byway goes from North Conway to Lincoln, NH. Look for the signs to find short and longer hikes or short walks from the car. There are also several picnic areas with sweeping views.
Hike across from the AMC visitor center. One of the best views of the valley for the effort
Great views. In addition to a hiking trail, there is also a mountain biking trail to the top.
Short walk around pond with views of mountains and historic slide. Picnic area, rest rooms, and small store across road.
Across from the Pinkham Notch Visitor Center. Occasional moose sightings in this marshy area. Short distance from the parking lot.
Short easy hike to water falls and flume. Along the Kankamangus towards Lincoln Side.
Trail along the Ellis River at Neslenook Access for guests of Grand Victorian. Views of the large Pond, bridge and buildings.